Book description
Authoritative guide to Oracle WebLogic Server-from Oracle insiders
If you're an experienced Java developer who wants to expand your skills, Professional Oracle WebLogic Server is the perfect guide for you. This book is written by a top-notch author team that that includes one of the lead architects from Oracle's Fusion Middleware Development Architects team.
Follow their best practices, workarounds, and sound techniques and confidently develop even the most mission-critical applications with WebLogic Server.
This book fully covers WebLogic Server 11g, including the new features of both JEE 5 and WebLogic Server, as well as JEE 5 annotations, Spring, JPA, JAX-WS, JMS Store-And-Forward, SAML support, and the WLST administrative scripting tool.
This book is the authoritative guide to
Choosing a Web application architecture
Best practices for development and production environments
Designing an Java EE application
Building Enterprise JavaBeans in WebLogic Server
Building an EJB application
Packaging and deploying WebLogic web applications
Developing and deploying web services
Using WebLogic JMS
Using WebLogic security
Administering and deploying applications in WebLogic Server
Optimizing WebLogic Server performance
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Authors
- Credits
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
1. Building Web Applications in WebLogic
1.1. Java Servlets and JSP Key Concepts
1.1.1. Characteristics of Servlets
- Servlets Use the Request/Response Model
- Servlets Are Pure Java Classes
- Servlets Must be Registered in the Application
- Servlets Have a Life Cycle
- Servlets Allow Multiple Parallel Requests
- Servlets May Access Request Data
- Servlets Use Session Tracking
- 1.1.2. Characteristics of JavaServer Pages
1.1.1. Characteristics of Servlets
- 1.2. Web Application Best Practices
- 1.3. Chapter Review
1.1. Java Servlets and JSP Key Concepts
2. Choosing a Web Application Architecture
- 2.1. Architecture Key Concepts
- 2.2. Presentation-Tier Architecture Selection
- 2.3. Candidate Presentation-Tier Architectures
- 2.4. Chapter Review
- 3. Designing an Example Java EE Application
4. Building an Example Web Application
- 4.1. Overview of Application Components
- 4.2. Constructing the Application Skeleton
4.3. Constructing the User Site Components
- 4.3.1. Reservation Information Components
4.3.2. Core Reservation Process Components
- Defining Navigation Paths
- Choosing Spring MVC Components
- Choosing Basic Controller Components
- Choosing Form-Processing Controller Components
- Choosing Handler and Resolver Components
- Property Search/Selection Pages
- Date Selection Page
- Availability Display and Room Type Selection Page
- Reservation Creation Process
- 4.3.3. Targeted Offers Components
- 4.4. Construction of Administration Site Components
- 4.5. Chapter Review
- 5. Packaging and Deploying WebLogic Web Applications
6. Building Enterprise JavaBeans in WebLogic Server
- 6.1. EJB Technology Overview
- 6.2. EJB 3.0
- 6.3. EJB Component Types
6.4. The Java Persistence API
- 6.4.1. JPA History
- 6.4.2. JPA Concepts
6.4.3. A JPA Sample
- Generated Values
- Using JPA Entities in a Java SE Environment
- Persistent Class Enhancement
- Relationships
- Cascading Operations
- JPQL Queries
- JPQL Bulk Updates
- Embedded Entity Classes
- Eager and Lazy Fetching
- Optimistic Locking and Version Fields
- Explicit Locking
- Writing a Web Layer Suited to Optimistic Locking
- Inheritance
- 6.4.4. Applying JPA
- 6.5. WebLogic Server EJB Container
- 6.6. General WebLogic Server EJB Features
- 6.7. Session Bean Features
- 6.8. Message-Driven Bean Features
6.9. OpenJPA and Kodo Features
- 6.9.1. The Kodo Deployment Descriptor
- 6.9.2. Fetch Groups
- 6.9.3. Eager Fetching
- 6.9.4. Optimistic Locking Version Strategies
- 6.9.5. Large Result Sets
- 6.9.6. Second-level Caching
- 6.9.7. Controlling Flush Behavior
- 6.9.8. Managed Inverses
- 6.9.9. Mixed Inheritance Strategies
- 6.9.10. Prepared Statement Caching
- 6.10. Deployment Descriptors or Annotations?
- 6.11. Chapter Review
7. Building an Example EJB Application
- 7.1. Business Layer Requirements
- 7.2. Business Layer Architecture Options
- 7.3. The Implementation
- 7.4. Using TopLink instead of Kodo
- 7.5. Chapter Review
8. Packaging and Deploying WebLogic Applications
8.1. Creating an EJB Archive File
8.1.1. EJB Deployment Descriptors
- JNDI Bindings and References to EJBs and Other Resources
- Bindings to Logical JMS Message Destinations
- Security Settings
- Transaction Settings
- Free Pool Settings
- Stateful Session Bean Cache Settings
- Message-Driven Bean Settings
- Tuning and Optimization Settings
8.1.1. EJB Deployment Descriptors
- 8.2. Packaging JPA Persistence Units
- 8.3. Enterprise Applications
- 8.4. Packaging
- 8.5. Deploying Applications
- 8.6. Chapter Review
8.1. Creating an EJB Archive File
9. Developing and Deploying Web Services
- 9.1. Summarizing Web Services Standards
- 9.2. Creating Web Services with WebLogic Server
9.3. Moving Past the Basics
- 9.3.1. Using JAX-RPC
- 9.3.2. Understanding Style and Use
- 9.3.3. Influencing which Operation to Invoke
- 9.3.4. Creating More Dynamic Web Services
- 9.3.5. Using Web Service Handlers
- 9.3.6. Using SOAP Attachments
- 9.3.7. Implementing Stateful Web Services
- 9.3.8. Implementing Asynchronous Web Services
- 9.3.9. Customizing Mappings between Java and XML
- 9.4. Using Web Services Security
- 9.5. Adding Web Services to
- 9.6. Chapter Review
10. Using WebLogic JMS
- 10.1. JMS Key Concepts
10.2. The WebLogic JMS Provider
- 10.2.1. Understanding WebLogic JMS Servers
- 10.2.2. Clustering WebLogic JMS
- 10.2.3. WebLogic JMS Clients
- 10.2.4. Configuring WebLogic JMS
10.3. WebLogic JMS Application Design
- 10.3.1. Choosing a Destination Type
- 10.3.2. Locating Destinations
- 10.3.3. Choosing the Appropriate Message Type
- 10.3.4. Compressing Large Messages
- 10.3.5. Selecting a Message Acknowledgment Strategy
- 10.3.6. Designing Message Selectors
- 10.3.7. Choosing a Message Expiration Strategy
- 10.3.8. Handling Poison Messages
- 10.3.9. Handling Message Ordering Issues
- 10.3.10. Using Transactions
- 10.3.11. Using Multicast Sessions
- 10.3.12. Handling Request/Reply Style Message Exchange
- 10.4. WebLogic JMS Application Programming
- 10.5. External JMS Providers
- 10.6. Chapter Review
11. Using WebLogic Security
- 11.1. WebLogic Security Overview
- 11.2. WebLogic Security Framework
- 11.3. Using External Security Stores
- 11.4. Setting Up SSL/TLS
- 11.5. Writing Security-Aware Java Clients
- 11.6. Managing Application Security
- 11.7. Single Sign-On
- 11.8. Chapter Review
12. Administering and Deploying Applications in WebLogic Server
- 12.1. WebLogic Architecture Key Concepts
- 12.2. WebLogic Administration Key Concepts
12.3. Configuring a WebLogic Server Domain
- 12.3.1. Setting Up a New Domain
- 12.3.2. Configuring Servers
- 12.3.3. Configuring the Cluster
- 12.3.4. Configuring Network Channels
- 12.3.5. Setting Up the Node Manager
- 12.3.6. Operating System Configuration
- 12.3.7. Java Virtual Machine Configuration
- 12.3.8. Web Server Plug-in Configuration
- 12.3.9. Administration Port and Channel Configuration
- 12.3.10. Configuring Applications for WebLogic Server
- 12.4. Monitoring WebLogic Server Applications
- 12.5. Managing WebLogic Server Applications
- 12.6. Chapter Review
13. Optimizing WebLogic Server Performance
- 13.1. Overview of System Performance
- 13.2. Performance Best Practices
13.3. Troubleshooting Performance Problems
- 13.3.1. Preparing for Troubleshooting
- 13.3.2. Bottleneck Identification and Correction
- 13.3.3. Problem Resolution
13.3.4. Common Application Server Performance Problems
- Troubleshooting High CPU Utilization and Poor Application Server Throughput
- Troubleshooting Low CPU Utilization and Poor Application Server Throughput
- Troubleshooting Low Activity and CPU Utilization on All Physical Components with Slow Throughput
- Troubleshooting Slow Response Time from the Client and Low Database Usage
- Troubleshooting Erratic Response Times and CPU Utilization on the Application Server
- Troubleshooting Performance Degrading with High Disk I/O
- 13.3.5. Java Stack Traces
- 13.4. Chapter Review
14. Development Environment Best Practices
- 14.1. Defining Required Hardware and Software
- 14.2. Installing WebLogic Server Software
- 14.3. Development Project Structure
- 14.4. Streamlining the Development Cycle
- 14.5. Establishing a Build Process
- 14.6. Integrated Development Environments
- 14.7. Creating a Unit Testing Infrastructure
- 14.8. Chapter Review
15. Production Environment Best Practices
15.1. Deployment Strategies
- 15.1.1. Evaluating Deployment Strategies
- 15.1.2. Server Deployment Strategies
- 15.1.3. Single-Site Deployment Strategies
- 15.1.4. Multiple Site Deployment Strategies
- 15.1.5. Designing Multiple-Site WebLogic Clusters
- 15.1.6. Implementing Clusters that Span Multiple Sites
- 15.1.7. Implementing One Cluster per Site
- 15.2. Global and Local Traffic Management
- 15.3. Production Security Strategies
- 15.4. Chapter Review
15.1. Deployment Strategies
Product information
- Title: Professional Oracle® WebLogic Server
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2009
- Publisher(s): Wrox
- ISBN: 9780470484302
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