1.5. Building Ingredients
Having now gotten a thorough tour of the new mechanisms that RESTful Rails provides by default, it's time for you to start writing some code and making this site come to life. The first task is to enable simple entry of a recipe, and allow the most recently entered recipes to be displayed on the user-centered front page, blog-style.
The following problems stand between you and that goal:
The database schema and sample code as generated do not associate recipes and ingredients, so the forms that were created by the scaffold do not have a place to enter ingredient information.
You changed the default routing after the scaffolds were generated, and therefore the ingredient forms, as generated, use invalid methods to create URLs.
The basic index listing of recipes is useful from an administrative point of view, but it is not what you want to present to a user. In addition to the functional changes, you'll need it to be much nicer looking.
That list will take you through the end of this chapter. Time to build a webapp!
1.5.1. Setting Up Your Database
Most of the work of setting up the initial database was already done when you created the resources and generated migrations, but you still need to actually create the database instances. You'll need to go to the database.yml file first and adjust the database information for all three database environments — development, test, and production. If you are using MySQL (version 5.x, please) and the database is on ...
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