Chapter 8: Securing and Managing Site Content
What’s In This Chapter?
- The administration hierarchy
- Security terminology
- User permissions
- Permission levels
- Security groups
- Granting users access
As the capabilities and use of SharePoint technologies continue to increase, so does the amount of content stored in SharePoint sites. To maintain and manage this content, you need an effective security structure in place to ensure that this content is only accessed by users with the proper permissions. To assist administrators with this gargantuan task, configuration options exist to grant users access with both broad and fine-grained settings. Additionally, you can configure this access at several hierarchical levels, making it easy to secure content throughout an environment. The security structure built at the onset of a SharePoint deployment plays a major role in the overall success or failure of the solution and is not to be taken lightly. In this chapter you get an in-depth look at the security configuration options available with SharePoint 2010 and how they can be used to lock down your environment.
Reviewing the Terminology
Before diving into how site security can be set up, it is vital to understand the vocabulary that represents the various components of user access. These terms are often dependent upon each other so it is easy to get subjects confused. Be sure to have a firm grasp of these concepts before moving on to the next sections:
- Permissions — These are single units ...