Professional Visual Studio 2012

Book description

The ultimate developers' guide to Visual Studio 2012

This expert Wrox guide is what you need to get up and running quickly on Visual Studio 2012. Written by a Microsoft Visual C# MVP, it guides you through the integrated development environment (IDE), showing you how to maximize all new tools and improvements.

  • Offers programmers a fast way to IDE-centric programming success

  • Demonstrates new IDE features, including the new Metro style app project templates and Windows 8 app store features

  • Explains each feature, then illustrates the context in which it will help you solve problems

  • Covers timely and essential topics related to rich client app development, web applications, application services, file configuration, debugging and testing, and more

  • Helps advanced users customize and extend Visual Studio through the Automation Model, writing macros, working with the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), and more

  • Provides ample detail for programmers who are new to Visual Studio 2012, as well as for experienced programmers exploring the advanced capabilities of the IDE

Professional Visual Studio 2012 uses a unique, IDE-centric approach to help you get up and running quickly on this exciting new release.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Part I: Integrated Development Environment
    1. Chapter 1: A Quick Tour
      1. Getting Started
      2. The Visual Studio IDE
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: The Solution Explorer, Toolbox, and Properties
      1. The Solution Explorer
      2. The Toolbox
      3. Properties
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 3: Options and Customizations
      1. The Start Page
      2. Window Layout
      3. The Editor Space
      4. Other Options
      5. Importing and Exporting Settings
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 4: The Visual Studio Workspace
      1. The Code Editor
      2. The Command Window
      3. The Immediate Window
      4. The Class View
      5. The Error List
      6. The Object Browser
      7. The Code Definition Window
      8. The Call Hierarchy Window
      9. The Document Outline Tool Window
      10. Reorganizing Tool Windows
      11. Summary
    5. Chapter 5: Find and Replace and Help
      1. Quick Find/Replace
      2. Find/Replace in Files
      3. Navigate To
      4. Accessing Help
      5. Summary
  4. Part II: Getting Started
    1. Chapter 6: Solutions, Projects, and Items
      1. Solution Structure
      2. Solution File Format
      3. Solution Properties
      4. Project Types
      5. Project Files Format
      6. Project Properties
      7. Web Application Project Properties
      8. Web Site Projects
      9. Summary
    2. Chapter 7: Intellisense and Bookmarks
      1. IntelliSense Explained
      2. JavaScript IntelliSense
      3. IntelliSense Options
      4. Extended IntelliSense
      5. Bookmarks and the Bookmark Window
      6. Summary
    3. Chapter 8: Code Snippets and Refactoring
      1. Code Snippets Revealed
      2. Accessing Refactoring Support
      3. Refactoring Actions
      4. Summary
    4. Chapter 9: Server Explorer
      1. Server Connections
      2. Data Connections
      3. SharePoint Connections
      4. Summary
    5. Chapter 10: Modeling with the Class Designer
      1. Creating a Class Diagram
      2. The Design Surface
      3. The Toolbox
      4. The Class Details
      5. The Properties Window
      6. Layout
      7. Exporting Diagrams
      8. Code Generation and Refactoring
      9. Modeling Power Toys for Visual Studio
      10. Summary
  5. Part III: Digging Deeper
    1. Chapter 11: Unit Testing
      1. Your First Test Case
      2. Asserting the Facts
      3. Initializing and Cleaning Up
      4. Testing Context
      5. Advanced Unit Testing
      6. Testing Code Contracts
      7. Summary
    2. Chapter 12: Documentation with XML Comments
      1. Inline Commenting
      2. XML Comments
      3. Using XML Comments
      4. Generating Documentation with GhostDoc
      5. Compiling Documentation with Sandcastle
      6. Task List Comments
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 13: Code Consistency Tools
      1. Source Control
      2. Coding Standards
      3. Summary
    4. Chapter 14: Code Generation with T4
      1. Creating a T4 Template
      2. T4 Building Blocks
      3. How T4 Works
      4. T4 Directives
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Generating Code Assets
      7. Runtime Text Templates
      8. Tips and Tricks
      9. Summary
    5. Chapter 15: Project and Item Templates
      1. Creating Templates
      2. Extending Templates
      3. Starter Kits
      4. Online Templates
      5. Summary
    6. Chapter 16: Language-Specific Features
      1. Hitting a Nail with the Right Hammer
      2. A Tale of Two Languages
      3. Visual Basic
      4. F#
      5. Summary
  6. Part IV: Rich Client Applications
    1. Chapter 17: Windows Forms Applications
      1. Getting Started
      2. The Windows Form
      3. Form Design Preferences
      4. Adding and Positioning Controls
      5. Container Controls
      6. Docking and Anchoring Controls
      7. Summary
    2. Chapter 18: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
      1. What Is WPF?
      2. Getting Started with WPF
      3. The WPF Designer and XAML Editor
      4. Styling Your Application
      5. Windows Forms Interoperability
      6. Debugging with the WPF Visualizer
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 19: Office Business Applications
      1. Choosing an Office Project Type
      2. Creating a Document-Level Customization
      3. Creating an Application Add-in
      4. Debugging Office Applications
      5. Deploying Office Applications
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 20: Windows Store Applications
      1. What Is a Windows Store Application?
      2. Creating a Windows Store Application
      3. Summary
  7. Part V: Web Applications
    1. Chapter 21: ASP.NET Web Forms
      1. Web Application Versus Web Site Projects
      2. Creating Web Projects
      3. Designing Web Forms
      4. Web Controls
      5. Master Pages
      6. Rich Client-Side Development
      7. ASP.NET Web Site Administration
      8. Summary
    2. Chapter 22: ASP.NET MVC
      1. Model View Controller
      2. Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC
      3. Choosing a Model
      4. Controllers and Action Methods
      5. Rendering a UI with Views
      6. Advanced MVC
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 23: Silverlight
      1. What Is Silverlight?
      2. Getting Started with Silverlight
      3. Navigation Framework
      4. Theming
      5. Enabling Running Out of Browser
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 24: Dynamic Data
      1. Creating a Dynamic Data Web Application
      2. Customizing the Data Model
      3. Customizing the Presentation
      4. Enabling Dynamic Data for Existing Projects
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 25: Sharepoint
      1. Preparing the Development Environment
      2. Exploring SharePoint 2010
      3. Creating a SharePoint Project
      4. Building Custom SharePoint Components
      5. Working with Features
      6. Packaging and Deployment
      7. Summary
    6. Chapter 26: Windows Azure
      1. The Windows Azure Platform
      2. SQL Azure
      3. AppFabric
      4. Azure Websites
      5. Azure Virtual Machines
      6. Summary
  8. Part VI: Data
    1. Chapter 27: Visual Database Tools
      1. Database Windows in Visual Studio 2012
      2. Editing Data
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 28: Datasets and Databinding
      1. DataSets Overview
      2. Binding Data
      3. Working with Data Sources
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 29: Language Integrated Queries (LINQ)
      1. LINQ Providers
      2. Old-School Queries
      3. Query Pieces
      4. Debugging and Execution
      5. LINQ to XML
      6. Querying XML
      7. Schema Support
      8. LINQ to SQL
      9. LINQPad
      10. Summary
    4. Chapter 30: The ADO.NET Entity Framework
      1. What Is the Entity Framework?
      2. Getting Started
      3. Creating an Entity Model
      4. Querying the Entity Model
      5. Advanced Functionality
      6. Summary
    5. Chapter 31: Reporting
      1. Getting Started with Reporting
      2. Designing Reports
      3. Rendering Reports
      4. Deploying Reports
      5. Summary
  9. Part VII: Application Services
    1. Chapter 32: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
      1. What Is WCF?
      2. Getting Started
      3. Defining Contracts
      4. Configuring WCF Service Endpoints
      5. Hosting WCF Services
      6. Consuming a WCF Service
      7. Summary
    2. Chapter 33: Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
      1. What Is Windows Workflow Foundation?
      2. Why Use Windows Workflow?
      3. Workflow Concepts
      4. Getting Started
      5. The Workflow Foundation Designer
      6. Creating a Workflow
      7. Hosting the Workflow Designer
      8. Summary
    3. Chapter 34: Client Application Services
      1. Client Services
      2. Role Authorization
      3. User Authentication
      4. Settings
      5. Login Form
      6. Offline Support
      7. Summary
    4. Chapter 35: Synchronization Services
      1. Occasionally Connected Applications
      2. Server Direct
      3. Getting Started with Synchronization Services
      4. Synchronization Services over N-Tiers
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 36: WCF RIA Services
      1. Getting Started
      2. Domain Services
      3. Domain Operations
      4. Consuming a Domain Service in Silverlight
      5. Summary
  10. Part VIII: Configuration and Resources
    1. Chapter 37: Configuration Files
      1. .Config Files
      2. Configuration Schema
      3. Application Settings
      4. User Settings
      5. Referenced Projects with Settings
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 38: Connection Strings
      1. Connection String Wizard
      2. SQL Server Format
      3. In-Code Construction
      4. Encrypting Connection Strings
      5. LocalDB
      6. Summary
    3. Chapter 39: Resource Files
      1. What Are Resources?
      2. Resourcing Your Application
      3. Satellite Resources
      4. Accessing Specifics
      5. Coding Resource Files
      6. Custom Resources
      7. Summary
  11. Part IX: Debugging
    1. Chapter 40: Using The Debugging Windows
      1. The Code Window
      2. The Breakpoints Window
      3. The Output Window
      4. The Immediate Window
      5. The Watch Windows
      6. The Code Execution Windows
      7. The Memory Windows
      8. IntelliTrace (Ultimate Edition Only)
      9. The Parallel Debugging Windows
      10. Exceptions
      11. Summary
    2. Chapter 41: Debugging with Breakpoints
      1. Breakpoints
      2. Tracepoints
      3. Execution Control
      4. Edit and Continue
      5. Summary
    3. Chapter 42: Datatips, Debug Proxies, and Visualizers
      1. DataTips
      2. Debugger Attributes
      3. Type Proxies
      4. Visualizers
      5. Advanced Techniques
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 43: Debugging Web Applications
      1. Debugging Server-Side ASP.NET Code
      2. Debugging Client-Side JavaScript
      3. Debugging Silverlight
      4. Tracing
      5. Health Monitoring
      6. Summary
    5. Chapter 44: Advanced Debugging Techniques
      1. Start Actions
      2. Debugging with Code
      3. Debugging Running Applications
      4. .NET Framework Source
      5. Multithreaded and Parallelized Application Debugging
      6. Debugging SQL Server Stored Procedures
      7. Mixed-Mode Debugging
      8. Post-Mortem Debugging
      9. Summary
  12. Part X: Build and Deployment
    1. Chapter 45: Upgrading with Visual Studio 2012
      1. Upgrading from Visual Studio 2010
      2. Upgrading to .NET Framework 4.5
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 46: Build Customization
      1. General Build Options
      2. Manual Dependencies
      3. The Visual Basic Compile Page
      4. C# Build Pages
      5. MSBuild
      6. Summary
    3. Chapter 47: Assembly Versioning and Signing
      1. Assembly Naming
      2. Version Consistency
      3. Strongly Named Assemblies
      4. The Global Assembly Cache
      5. Signing an Assembly
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 48: Obfuscation, Application Monitoring, and Management
      1. The MSIL Disassembler
      2. Decompilers
      3. Obfuscating Your Code
      4. Application Monitoring and Management
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 49: Packaging and Deployment
      1. Windows Installer XML Toolset
      2. ClickOnce
      3. Summary
    6. Chapter 50: Web Application Deployment
      1. Website Deployment
      2. Web Application Deployment
      3. Web Project Installers
      4. The Web Platform Installer
      5. Summary
  13. Part XI: Customizing and Extending Visual Studio
    1. Chapter 51: The Automation Model
      1. Visual Studio Extensibility Options
      2. The Visual Studio Automation Model
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 52: Add-Ins
      1. Developing an Add-in
      2. Deploying Add-ins
      3. Summary
    3. Chapter 53: Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
      1. Getting Started with MEF
      2. The Visual Studio Editor
      3. Extending the Editor
      4. Summary
  14. Part XII: Visual Studio Ultimate
    1. Chapter 54: Visual Studio Ultimate for Architects
      1. Modeling Projects
      2. Exploring Code
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 55: Visual Studio Ultimate for Developers
      1. Code Metrics
      2. Managed Code Analysis Tool
      3. C/C++ Code Analysis Tool
      4. Profiling Tools
      5. Standalone Profiler
      6. IntelliTrace
      7. Database Tools
      8. Summary
    3. Chapter 56: Visual Studio Ultimate for Testers
      1. Automated Tests
      2. Relating Code and Tests
      3. Visual Studio Test Management
      4. Microsoft Test Manager
      5. Summary
    4. Chapter 57: Team Foundation Server
      1. Team Project
      2. Process Templates
      3. Work Item Tracking
      4. Excel and Project Integration
      5. Version Control
      6. Team Foundation Build
      7. Reporting and Business Intelligence
      8. Team Portal
      9. Web Access
      10. Summary
  15. Introduction
  16. Advertisements

Product information

  • Title: Professional Visual Studio 2012
  • Author(s): Bruce Johnson
  • Release date: November 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9781118337707