Chapter 10

The Registry


  • Understanding the difference between hive-based and RAM-based registry
  • Persisting changes to the registry between power reset
  • Introducing examples of registry entries
  • Accessing the registry

The registry is a critical part of the Windows Embedded Compact 7 OS. The registry is a collection of data containing configurations, settings, and usage parameters for the operating system, device drivers, and applications. The registry affects the system’s boot process, device drivers, and applications’ loading sequences.

Some device driver and applications have dependencies and must be configured to load after certain components are loaded before launching. When the registry is not configured correctly, the system cannot function as expected, exhibits unpredictable behavior, and can cause the device not to complete the boot process.

This chapter provides an overview of Compact 7 system registry, talks about different registry options, how the registry can affect the boot process, and sample registry entries for some of the commonly used components.

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