Chapter 16. Where Do You Go from Here?


  • Developing a trial mode for your game

  • Letting your players invite their friends to buy your game

  • Understanding the publishing process

  • Submitting your game to the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace

  • Where to find help if you need it

You're almost done. Congratulations on making it this far! You've made a few games, and now you're ready to learn about creating a compelling trial-mode experience and getting your game into the Windows Phone Marketplace.


Imagine this scenario:

  • You've made "The Greatest Game Ever Created" and have uploaded it to the Marketplace, complete with a few screenshots and a game-play video, but it's not selling like you thought it would.

  • You've tried a word-of-mouth marketing campaign, purchased Facebook ads, and even got a good review in your favorite gaming magazine, but you aren't getting the sales you hoped for.

  • Your buddy has published a game that's similar to yours. He hasn't done much advertising, but his sales are through the roof. Why? Your buddy's game has a trial mode.

Understanding Trial Mode

The preceding example may be a bit contrived, but it's not that far off the mark. Industry studies have shown that having a well-crafted trial mode can significantly increase sales.

Following are a few important things you need to know and understand about trial mode:

  • Trial mode is not a separate download of your game, but rather the same executable file running with the isTrialMode flag set.

  • Unlike Xbox Live ...

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