Chapter 17. Dungeon Quest

This is the final chapter about Dungeon Quest and also the final chapter of this book. Because of the complexity of a role-playing game such as Dungeon Quest, we are unable to discuss all of its details here. We will, however, cover all the basics to get you started. You can find additional information about the game, get help with the implementation, and obtain recent updates on the official site:

The first part of this chapter discusses the game engine and its features. In the previous chapter, I discussed some of the game engine features. While we are still using the XnaGraphicEngine from Part II of this book, and the parts of the engine from the Racing Game from Chapter 14, many parts have been updated or even completely rewritten. For example, all 3D models use the Collada model format now. This makes it much easier to fix exporting errors, to miss textures, and to import animation data. It also allows a greater range of 3D tools to be used to create 3D models for the game. I am also going to discuss the new shaders used for the maps. In addition, I discuss how skinned animation works and how to use multi-pass shaders for the underground and lighting effects. Most of the engine features are shown with help of the in-game editor Dungeon Quest provides to the player.

In the previous chapter, most player characters and enemy types were introduced. In order to allow them to run around, attack players, and be killed, you need some ...

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