
Chapter 1

1. D.

2. A.

3. C.

4. A.

5. A.

6. C.

7. See Figure 1.4.

8. See Section 1.3.1.

9. 2 × 1024.

10. See Section 1.3.2 for an explanation of sourcing and sinking and 1.3.1 and Figure 1.15 for relay and transistor outputs.

Chapter 2

1. A.

2. A.

3. B.

4. D.

5. C.

6. A.

7. A.

8. A.

9. B.

10. B.

11. C.

12. B.

13. C.

14. C.

15. See (a) Figure 2.6, (b) Section 2.1.4, (c) Section 2.1.3, (d) Section 2.1.8.

16. See Section 2.2.3.

17. See Section 2.2.4.

18. For example, (a) photoelectric transmissive system, (b) capacitive proximity sensor, (c) mechanical limit switch, (d) inductive proximity sensor.

19. See Section 2.2.4. Consider the behavior of RL circuits.

20. Stepper motor with 5° step.

21. (a) Photoelectric transmissive system, (b) ...

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