

Acknowledge bit, 125
Adaptive differential pulse coded modulation (ADPCM), 361
ADC application, 182
ADC1BUF0 register, 180
ADC clock source, 179
ADC control registers, 177
ADC module, 179
block diagram, 176
AD1CON1 register, 178, 179
AD1CON3 register SAM bits, 179
Add a counter (KTimer), 210
addressSEE() function, 132, 133, 136
AD1PCFG register, 19
AD1PCGF special-function register
analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) module, 17
Alarm Mask, 81
2-ALoopInThePattern, 24
AMASK register, 84
Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) module, 17
AD1PCFG, port configuration register, 17
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 81, 175, 204
module, 183
Analog-to-digital functions, 180
Analog vs. digital pin control, 17–18
Analog waveforms, producing, 357–360

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