© Vsevolod Domkin 2021
V. DomkinProgramming Algorithms in Lisphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6428-7_5

5. Arrays

Vsevolod Domkin1  
Kyiv, Ukraine
Arrays are, alongside structs, the most basic data structure and, at the same time, the default choice for implementing algorithms. A one-dimensional array that is also called a “vector” is a contiguous structure consisting of the elements of the same type. One of the ways to create such arrays, in Lisp, is this:
CL-USER> (make-array 3)
#(0 0 0)
The printed result is the literal array representation. It happens that the array is shown to hold 0s, but that’s implementation-dependent. Additional specifics ...

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