



The cfdirectory tag lists directory contents, as well as creates, renames, and deletes directories on the ColdFusion application server.


action=" action "

The action to perform on the specified directory. Valid options are Create, Delete, List, and Rename. Required. The default value is List.

directory=" directory_name "

The name of the directory to perform the action on. Required.

filter=" file_extension "

A file extension to filter the results returned when action is List. Optional for this action; ignored otherwise. Only one file extension can be used with the filter attribute.

mode=" permissions "

Allows you to set permissions the way you would with the Unix chmod command. For example, setting mode="777" assigns read, write, and execute permissions to the directory for everyone. Optional when action is Create; ignored otherwise.

name=" query_name "

The name to assign the query object containing the directory listing when action is List. Required for this action; ignored otherwise.

newdirectory=" new_directory_name"

The name of the new directory to be created when action is Rename. Required when action is Rename; ignored otherwise.

sort=" sort_criteria "

How to sort each query column returned when action is List. Optional for this action; ignored otherwise. The sort attribute can take a single query column or a comma-separated list. The actual direction for the sort is specified as Asc for ascending and Desc for descending. ...

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