



Creates an index to use with ColdFusion’s embedded Verity search engine.


action=" action "

Specifies the action for the cfindex tag to take. Optional. The default value is Update, which updates the index of the specified collection and adds the key if it doesn’t already exist. Delete deletes the key from the specified collection, Purge purges the specified collection of data and leaves it ready to be repopulated with new data, and Refresh clears the specified collection of all data and then repopulates it with new data. Optimize optimizes the specified collection. Optimize is no longer supported by cfindex in ColdFusion MX. Use the cfcollection tag instead to optimize a collection.

body=" body "

The actual text to index or a comma-delimited list of query column names containing text to index. Required when type is Custom; Ignored otherwise.

collection=" collection_name "

The name of the Verity collection to perform the action on. If the collection being indexed is external, you must specify the full path to the collection. In ColdFusion MX, collection names can now contain spaces. Required.

custom1=" custom_value "

Custom field that can store additional data for the collection. Optional.

custom2=" custom_value"

Custom field that can store additional data for the collection. Optional.

extensions=" file_extensions "

A comma-delimited list of file extensions to use when type is set to Path. The default is "HTM, HTML, CFM, CFML, DBM, DBML ...

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