



Specifies parameter information to send to a stored procedure. cfprocparam tags are nested within a cfstoredproc tag.


cfsqltype=" parameter_data_type "

The SQL type of the parameter being passed to the stored procedure. Required. The default is cf_sql_char. Possible values are cf_sql_bigint, cf_sql_bit, cf_sql_blob, cf_sql_char, cf_sql_clob, cf_sql_date, cf_sql_decimal, cf_sql_double, cf_sql_float, cf_sql_idstamp, cf_sql_integer, cf_sql_longvarchar, cf_sql_money, cf_sql_money4, cf_sql_numeric, cf_sql_real, cf_sql_refcursor (Oracle only), cf_sql_smallint, cf_sql_time, cf_sql_timestamp, cf_sql_tinyint, and cf_sql_varchar.

dbvarname=" database_variable_name "

The name of the parameter within the stored procedure. Required if named notation is used. Named notation is not supported in ColdFusion MX (and has never worked correctly in previous versions). This attribute is deprecated and ignored by MX if used.

maxlength=" length "

The maximum length of the parameter. Optional.


Whether or not to pass the parameter as NULL. If Yes, ColdFusion ignores the value attribute and passes NULL. Optional. The default it No.

scale=" decimal_places "

The number of decimal places for the parameter. Optional.


Whether the variable being passed is an input, output, or input/output variable. Optional. Default is In.

value=" parameter_value "

The value to pass to the ...

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