
CFGRAPH — New in ColdFusion 5.0



Draws a bar, horizontal bar, line, or pie chart from query and/or static data. The CFGRAPH tag uses Macromedia Generator and JRun, both installed when you install ColdFusion, to handle the graphing. Because the CFGRAPH tag can graph only numeric data, you must convert any date, time, and formatted numeric data to integers or real numbers. The CFGRAPH tag can render graphs in Flash, PNG, and JPEG formats. Although you can adjust the size of the graph, the CFGRAPH tag currently maintains a height/width aspect ratio of 3:4. Changing one aspect without changing the other accordingly can result in an excess border around your graph. It should be noted that the CFGRAPH tag isn’t supported when running ColdFusion on Windows 95/98.



The type of graph to create. Required.

QUERY=" query_name "

The name of an available query containing the data you want to graph. Required if no CFGRAPHDATA tags are specified.

VALUECOLUMN=" query_column "

The name of the query column containing the data you want to graph. CFGRAPH can be used only to graph numeric data. Required if no CFGRAPHDATA tags are specified.

ITEMCOLUMN=" query_column "

The name of a query column containing item labels that correspond to the data points from the query column specified in VALUECOLUMN. For Bar and Line charts, item labels are displayed on the horizontal axis. For HorizontalBar charts, the ...

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