


LSTimeFormat(time [, mask])

Returns locale-specific time formatted according to mask. If no value is specified for mask, LSTimeFormat( ) uses the default locale’s format. Valid entries for mask are the same as for TimeFormat( ). The following example demonstrates for each locale:

<CFSET TheTime = Now(  )>

<CFLOOP INDEX="locale" LIST="#Server.Coldfusion.SupportedLocales#">
  <CFSET temp = SetLocale(locale)>
    TheTime = #LSTimeFormat(TheTime)#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'h:m:s'): #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'h:m:s')#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'h:m:s t'): #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'h:m:s t')#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'hh:mm:ss'): #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'hh:mm:ss')#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'hh:mm:ss tt'): 
      #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'hh:mm:ss tt')#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'H:M:ss'): #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'H:M:s')#<BR>
    LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'HH:MM:ss'): #LSTimeFormat(TheTime, 'HH:MM:ss')#<BR>

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