Security Configuration

Together, the .NET Framework and IIS manage ASP.NET security. The ASP.NET configuration file, web.config, contains a hierarchical structure of global data, of which security information is a part (see Chapter 12, “XML and SOAP”). Listing 15.1 shows an example of the security section of the web.config file.

Listing 15.1. A Sample Security Section of web.config
01: <authentication mode="[Windows/Forms/Passport/None]">
02:  <forms name="[name]" loginUrl="[url]" >
03:   <credentials passwordFormat="[Clear, SHA1, MD5]">
04:    <user name="[UserName]" password="[password]"/>
05:   </credentials>
06:  </forms>
07:  <passport redirectUrl="internal" />
08: </authentication>
10: <authorization>
11:  <allow users="[comma separated list ...

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