A Vain Attempt at a Justification

I’m a language nut. I love trying languages out, and I love thinking about their design and implementation. (I know; it’s sad.)

I came across Ruby in 1998 because I was an avid reader of comp.lang.misc (ask your parents). I downloaded it, compiled it, and fell in love. As with any time you fall in love, it’s difficult to explain why. It just worked the way I work, and it had enough depth to keep me interested.

Fast-forward 15 years. All that time I’d been looking for something new that gave me the same feeling.

I came across Elixir a while back, but for some reason never got sucked in. But a few months before starting this book, I was chatting with Corey Haines. I was bemoaning the fact that I wanted a way to ...

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