Nested Dictionary Structures

The various dictionary types let us associate keys with values. But those values can themselves be dictionaries. For example, we may have a bug-reporting system. We could represent this using the following:

 defmodule​ Customer ​do
  defstruct ​name:​ ​"​​"​, ​company:​ ​"​​"
 defmodule​ BugReport ​do
  defstruct ​owner:​ %Customer{}, ​details:​ ​"​​"​, ​severity:​ 1

Let’s create a simple report:

 iex>​ report = %BugReport{​owner:​ %Customer{​name:​ ​"​​Dave"​, ​company:​ ​"​​Pragmatic"​},
 ...>​ ​details:​ ​"​​broken"​}
 %BugReport{details: "broken", severity: 1,
  owner: %Customer{company: "Pragmatic", name: "Dave"}}

The owner attribute of the report is itself a Customer struct. ...

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