Interrupt Handling

There are several issues you need to be aware of when handling interrupts in embedded systems that use an operating system, including:

Interrupt priority

Interrupts have the highest priority in a system—even higher than the highest operating system task. Interrupts are not scheduled; the ISR executes outside of the operating system’s scheduler.

Disabling interrupts

Because the operating system code must guarantee its data structures’ integrity when they are accessed, the operating system disables interrupts during operations that alter internal operating system data, such as the ready list. This increases the interrupt latency. The responsiveness of the operating system comes at the price of longer interrupt latency.

When a task disables interrupts, it prevents the scheduler from doing its job. Tasks should not disable interrupts on their own.

Interrupt stack

Some operating systems have a separate stack space for the execution of ISRs. This is important because, if interrupts are stored on the same stack as regular tasks, each task’s stack must accommodate the worst-case interrupt nesting scenario. Such large stacks increase RAM requirements across all n tasks.

Signaling tasks

Because ISRs execute outside of the scheduler, they are not allowed to make any operating system calls that can block. For example, an ISR cannot wait for a semaphore, though it can signal one.

Some operating systems use a split interrupt handling scheme, where the interrupt processing is ...

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