
Classes in Dart work a lot like classes in other object-oriented languages, but here’s most of what you need to know to get started.

Members: Properties and Methods

Properties are variables declared as members of a class:

 class​ User {
 int​ id;
 String​ username;
 String​ password;

Methods are functions defined inside classes. They are defined just like top-level functions, but inside the body of a class definition:

 class​ User {
 int​ id;
 String​ username;
 String​ password;
 void​ setId(​int​ newId) {
  id = newId;

Accessing Members: Dot Notation

Members can be accessed using dot notation. If you wanted to get the id property of the user object and assign it to the a variable, you’d write:

 var​ a ...

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