7.2 Other Extensions

The GDK extensions go beyond the ​Object​ class. Several other JDK classes and interfaces have been enhanced in the GDK. Again, the list is vast and we’ll look at only a subset of extensions in this section. These are the extensions we’re likely to put to regular use.

Array Extensions

We can use the ​Range​ object as an index on all the array types (for the syntax for creating arrays, see Different Syntax for Creating Primitive Arrays), such as ​int[]​, ​double[]​, and ​char[]​. Here’s how we can access contiguous values in an ​int​ array using the range of index:

int​​[]​ arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
println arr[2..4]

The output shows the values in the given range:

[3, 4, 5]

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