Programming in C by Jamwal

Book description

Programming in C is an introductory-level text book which follows a practical approach to help the students learn programming in a procedural manner. It discusses the line-by-line explanation of concepts and logic, used in the programs. All the programs in the book are fully-tested and compiled.

Table of contents

  1. Cover (1/2)
  2. Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. 1. Basics of C Programming
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Algorithm
    3. 1.3 Flowcharts
    4. 1.4 Programming Languages
    5. 1.5 B Language and Limitations
    6. 1.6 C Language (1/6)
    7. 1.6 C Language (2/6)
    8. 1.6 C Language (3/6)
    9. 1.6 C Language (4/6)
    10. 1.6 C Language (5/6)
    11. 1.6 C Language (6/6)
    12. 1.7 Programming Approaches
    13. Summary
    14. Exercise Questions
  6. 2. Conditional Control Statements
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 if Statement
    3. 2.3 if else Statement
    4. 2.4 Nested if Statement
    5. 2.5 Ternary Operator ( ? : )
    6. 2.6 if else if Ladder (1/2)
    7. 2.6 if else if Ladder (2/2)
    8. 2.7 switch case Statement (1/2)
    9. 2.7 switch case Statement (2/2)
    10. 2.8 goto Statement
    11. Summary
    12. Exercise Questions
  7. 3. Loop Control Statements
    1. 3.1 Introduction
    2. 3.2 Loop Control
    3. 3.3 while Loop (1/3)
    4. 3.3 while Loop (2/3)
    5. 3.3 while Loop (3/3)
    6. 3.4 do while Loop
    7. 3.5 for Loop
    8. 3.6 break Statement
    9. 3.7 continue Statement
    10. 3.8 Comma Operator
    11. 3.9 Nested Loops (1/2)
    12. 3.9 Nested Loops (2/2)
    13. Summary
    14. Exercise Questions
  8. 4. Functions
    1. 4.1 Introduction
    2. 4.2 Types of Functions
    3. 4.3 Importance of Functions
    4. 4.4 Scope of Functions
    5. 4.5 Passing Parameters to Functions
    6. 4.6 Function Prototype
    7. 4.7 Call by Value
    8. 4.8 Pointers
    9. 4.9 Call by Reference
    10. 4.10 Creating Header Files
    11. 4.11 Recursion (1/2)
    12. 4.11 Recursion (2/2)
    13. 4.12 Functions with Variable Arguments
    14. Summary
    15. Exercise Questions
  9. 5. Arrays
    1. 5.1 Introduction
    2. 5.2 Definition
    3. 5.3 Single-dimensional Array
    4. 5.4 Double-dimensional Array (1/2)
    5. 5.4 Double-dimensional Array (2/2)
    6. 5.5 Strings
    7. 5.6 Passing char Array to Function (1/2)
    8. 5.6 Passing char Array to Function (2/2)
    9. 5.7 Double-dimensional Strings
    10. Summary
    11. Exercise Questions
  10. 6. Arrays and Pointers
    1. 6.1 Introduction
    2. 6.2 Arrays and Pointers
    3. 6.3 Array of Pointers
    4. 6.4 Pointers and Strings (1/3)
    5. 6.4 Pointers and Strings (2/3)
    6. 6.4 Pointers and Strings (3/3)
    7. Summary
    8. Exercise Questions
  11. 7. Structures and Unions
    1. 7.1 Introduction
    2. 7.2 Structure
    3. 7.3 Union
    4. 7.4 Enumerations
    5. Summary
    6. Exercise Questions
  12. 8. Storage Classes, Preprocessors, Macros, and Operation on Bits
    1. 8.1 Introduction
    2. 8.2 Storage Classes
    3. 8.3 Preprocessor
    4. 8.4 Operation on Bits (1/2)
    5. 8.4 Operation on Bits (2/2)
    6. Summary
    7. Exercise Questions
  13. 9. Data and File Handling
    1. 9.1 Introduction
    2. 9.2 Record
    3. 9.3 Data Files
    4. 9.4 File Opening Modes
    5. 9.5 File Handling Functions
    6. 9.6 Sequential and Random Access Files (1/2)
    7. 9.6 Sequential and Random Access Files (2/2)
    8. 9.7 Command Line Arguments
    9. 9.8 Text and Binary Files
    10. Summary
    11. Exercise Questions
  14. 10. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    1. 10.1 Introduction
    2. 10.2 Static Memory
    3. 10.3 Dynamic Memory
    4. 10.4 Dynamic Memory Allocation Process
    5. 10.5 Self-referential Structures
    6. 10.6 Singly Linked List
    7. 10.7 Doubly Linked List
    8. 10.8 Stack
    9. Summary
    10. Exercise Questions
  15. Appendix A: Library Functions
  16. Appendix B: ASCII Chart
  17. Appendix C: Operator Precedence Chart
  18. Index (1/2)
  19. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Programming in C by Jamwal
  • Author(s): Jamwal
  • Release date: April 2024
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9781322128474