Appendix A
ASCII Value | Symbol | Description |
000 | (NUL) | Null char |
001 | ☺ (SOH) | Start of Heading |
002 | ☻ (STX) | Start of Text |
003 | ♥ (ETX) | End of Text |
004 | ♦ (EOT) | End of Transmission |
005 | ♣ (ENQ) | Enquiry |
006 | ♠ (ACK) | Acknowledgment |
007 | • (BEL) | Bell |
008 | ◘ (BS) | Back Space |
009 | ∘ (HT) | Horizontal Tab |
010 | ◙ (LF) | Line Feed |
011 | ♂ (VT) | Vertical Tab |
012 | ♀ (FF) | Form Feed |
013 | ♪ (CR) | Carriage Return |
014 | ♫ (SO) | Shift Out / X-On |
015 | ☼ (SI) | Shift In / X-Off |
016 | ▶ (DLE) | Data Line Escape |
017 | ◀ (DC1) | Device Control 1 (often XON) |
018 | ↕ (DC2) | Device Control 2 |
019 | ‼ (DC3) | Device Control 3 (often XOFF) |
020 | (DC4) | Device Control 4 |
021 | § (NAK) | Negative Acknowledgement |
022 | — (SYN) | Synchronous Idle |
023 | ↨ (ETB) | End of Transmit Block |
024 | ↑ (CAN) | Cancel |
025 | ↓ (EM) | End of Medium ... |
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