Version Control
Various systems of version control exist for taking periodic snapshots (technically called commits) of your project. The value of such a system to you will depend on what system you use and how you use it; for example, you might use version control because it lets you store your commits in a repository offsite, so that your code isn’t lost in case of a local computer glitch or some equivalent “hit by a bus” scenario, or because it allows multiple developers to access the same code.
To me, personally, the chief value of version control is freedom from fear. Having version control actually changes the way I program. A project is a complicated thing, consisting of numerous files. Often, changes must be made in many files before a new feature can be tested. Thus it is all too easy to start down some virtual road involving creating or editing multiple files, only to find yourself at the end of a blind alley and needing to retrace your steps. Version control means that I can easily retrace my steps; I have but to say, in the language of some version control system I’ve been using, “Forget everything I just did and return the whole project to where it was at such-and-such a commit.” I rarely, if ever, in fact retrace my steps, but the knowledge that I could do so gives me the courage to try some programming strategy whose outcome may not be apparent until after many days of effort. Also, I can ask a version control system, “What the heck are all the changes I’ve made since ...
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