Submission to the App Store
When you’re satisfied that your app works well, and you’ve installed or collected all the necessary resources, you’re ready to submit your app to the App Store for distribution. The primary way to submit your app is through a website called iTunes Connect. You can find a link to it on the iOS developer pages when you’ve logged in at Apple’s site. You can go directly to, but you’ll still need to log in with your iOS Developer username and password.
The first thing you should do at iTunes Connect is download the iTunes Connect Developer Guide. It’s a PDF that gives you a good idea what to expect when you submit your app, as well as later when you return for financial and other reports, and when you update your app.
You should also go to the Contracts section at iTunes Connect and complete submission of your contract if you haven’t already done so. You can’t offer any apps for sale until you do, and even free apps require completion of a contractual form.
When you submit an app to iTunes Connect, you will have to supply a description of fewer than 4,000 characters; Apple recommends fewer than 580 characters, and the first paragraph is the most important, because this may be all that users see when they visit the App Store. It must be pure text, without HTML and without character styling.
You will also be asked for a list of keywords: a comma-separated list shorter than 100 characters. These keywords will be used, in addition to ...
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