Delayed Performance
Some of your code tells Cocoa what to do. But Cocoa is a black box, so what Cocoa actually will do, and precisely when it will do it, is out of your control. Your code was executed in response to some event; but your code in turn may trigger a new event or chain of events. Sometimes this causes bad things to happen: there might be a crash, or Cocoa might appear not to have done what you said to do. One of the chief causes of these difficulties is the chain of triggered events itself. Sometimes you just need to step outside that chain for a moment and wait for everything to settle down before proceeding.
The technique for doing this is called delayed performance. You tell Cocoa to do something not right this moment, but in a little while, when things have settled down. Your purpose might be a matter of simple timing, such as when you want to do something different depending whether the user taps twice in quick succession or only once; basically, when the user first taps, you respond using delayed performance, to give the user time to tap again if two taps are intended (Chapter 18). Or perhaps you need only a very short delay, possibly even as short as zero seconds, just to let Cocoa finish doing something, such as laying out interface. Technically, you’re allowing the current run loop to finish, completing and unwinding the entire current method call stack, before proceeding further with your own code.
You’re likely to be using delayed performance a lot more than ...
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