Address Book Database
The address book is an ABAddressBookRef obtained by calling ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions
. This method is new in iOS 6. There are in fact no options to pass, so the first parameter is always nil. The important thing is the second parameter, a pointer to a CFErrorRef; if the result is nil, the CFErrorRef describes the error. The reason there can be an error is that the user can now deny your app access to the address book:
CFErrorRef err = nil; ABAddressBookRef adbk = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(nil, &err); if (nil == adbk) { NSLog(@"error: %@", err); return; }
The very first time your app tries to access the address book, a system alert will appear, prompting the user to grant your app permission to access the user’s Contacts. You can modify the body of this alert by setting the “Privacy — Contacts Usage Description” key (NSContactsUsageDescription
) in your app’s Info.plist to tell the user why you want to access the address book. This is a kind of “elevator pitch”; you need to persuade the user in very few words.
You can learn beforehand whether access has been explicitly denied by calling ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus
ABAuthorizationStatus stat = ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus(); if (stat==kABAuthorizationStatusDenied || stat==kABAuthorizationStatusRestricted) { NSLog(@"%@", @"no access"); return; }
If the user has denied your app access, you can’t make the system alert appear again. You can, of course, use some other interface to request that ...
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