Strongly Typed DataSets

Over the past three chapters, you’ve learned how to create and use DataSet objects. The code used to access the contents of a DataSet is programmatically similar to code for accessing earlier objects such as the ADO and DAO Recordset objects, as you can see by comparing the following examples:

ADO.NET and Visual Basic

Dim strCompanyName As String
strCompanyName = CStr(tblCustomers.Rows(0)("CompanyName"))

ADO.NET and Visual C#

string strCompanyName;
strCompanyName = (string) tblCustomers.Rows[0]["CompanyName"];

ADO, DAO, and Visual Basic "Classic"

Dim strCompanyName As String
strCompanyName = rs.Fields("CompanyName").Value

Developers have been writing this kind of code since the early days of Visual Basic. Technically, there’s ...

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