Naming Conventions and Styles

  1. Use Pascal casing for type and method names and constants:

    public class SomeClass
       const int DefaultSize = 100;
       public SomeMethod()
  2. Use camel casing for local variable names and method arguments:

    int number;
    void MyMethod(int someNumber)
  3. Prefix interface names with I:

    interface IMyInterface
  4. Prefix private member variables with m_.

  5. Suffix custom attribute classes with Attribute.

  6. Suffix custom exception classes with Exception.

  7. Name methods using verb/object pairs, such as ShowDialog().

  8. Methods with return values should have names describing the values returned, such as GetObjectState().

  9. Use descriptive variable names.

    1. Avoid single-character variable names, such as i or t. Use index or temp instead.

    2. Avoid using Hungarian notation for public or protected members.

    3. Avoid abbreviating words (such as num instead of number).

  10. Always use C# predefined types, rather than the aliases in the System namespace. For example:

    object NOT Object
    string NOT String
    intNOT Int32
  11. With generics, use capital letters for types. Reserve suffixing Type for when dealing with the .NET type Type:

    public class LinkedList<K,T>
    public class LinkedList<KeyType,DataType>
  12. Use meaningful namespace names, such as the product name or the company name.

  13. Avoid fully qualified type names. Use the using statement instead.

  14. Avoid putting a using statement inside a namespace.

  15. Group all framework namespaces together and put custom or third-party namespaces underneath:

    using System; ...

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