Testing Contexts

It’s time to test the M of the MVC, models. Phoenix generates a module in test/support/data_case.ex to serve as a foundation for your tests that interact with the database. In our case, Accounts and Multimedia contexts both work with the database. The data_case handles setup and teardown of the database and integrates with Ecto.Sandbox to allow concurrent transactional tests. Crack it open and import the fixtures we just defined:

1: defmodule​ Rumbl.DataCase ​do
use​ ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using ​do
5: quote​ ​do
alias Rumbl.Repo
import​ Ecto
import​ Ecto.Changeset
10: import​ Ecto.Query
import​ Rumbl.DataCase
import​ Rumbl.TestHelpers ...

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