Memory Management

In C, you always have to worry about memory management. This still holds true when writing PHP extensions in C, but the extension API provides you with a safety net and some helpful debugging facilities if you use the API’s memory-management wrapper functions (you are strongly encouraged to do so). The wrapper functions are:

    emalloc( )
    efree( )
    estrdup( )
    estrndup( )
    ecalloc( )
    erealloc( )

These work exactly like the native C counterparts after which they are named.

One of the features you get by using emalloc( ) is a safety net for memory leaks. If you emalloc( ) something and forget to efree( ) it, PHP prints a leak warning like this if you are running in debug mode (enabled by compiling PHP with the --enable-debug switch):

    foo.c(123) :  Freeing 0x0821E5FC (20 bytes), script=foo.php
    Last leak repeated 1 time

If you efree( ) something that was allocated using malloc( ) or some mechanism other than the PHP memory-management functions, you get the following:

    foo.c(124) : Block 0x08219C94 status:
    Beginning:      Overrun (magic=0x00000000, expected=0x7312F8DC)
          End:      Unknown
    foo.c(124) : Block 0x0821EB1C status:
    Beginning:      Overrun (magic=0x00000000, expected=0x7312F8DC)
          End:      Unknown

In this case, line 124 in foo.c is the call to efree( ). PHP knows it didn’t allocate this memory because it didn’t contain the magic token that indicates a PHP allocation.


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