CGI Script Trade-Offs

As shown in this chapter, PyMailCGI is still something of a system in the making, but it does work as advertised: when it is installed on a remote server machine, by pointing a browser at the main page’s URL, I can check and send email from anywhere I happen to be, as long as I can find a machine with a web browser. In fact, any machine and browser will do: Python doesn’t even have to be installed, and I don’t need POP or SMTP access on the client machine itself. That’s not the case with the PyMailGUI client-side program we wrote in Chapter 15. This property is especially useful in organizations that allow web access, but restrict more direct protocols such as POP email.

But before we all jump on the collective Internet bandwagon and utterly abandon traditional APIs such as Tkinter, a few words of larger context may be in order. Besides illustrating larger CGI applications in general, this example was chosen to underscore some of the trade-offs you run into when building applications to run on the Web. PyMailGUI and PyMailCGI do roughly the same things but are radically different in implementation:


This is a traditional user-interface program: it runs entirely on the local machine, calls out to an in-process GUI API library to implement interfaces, and talks to the Internet through sockets only when it has to (e.g., to load or send email on demand). User requests are routed immediately to callback handler method functions running locally and in-process, ...

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