

Action<T> tag, 17

Add method, 11

AddDelegate, 11

AddLambda, 11

AddTwoNumbers method, 5759

AdventureWorks database, 91

aggregating, and grouping results, 9899

ajaxAsObservable function, 122123

anonymous methods, 10

Any operator, 25

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), 6364

AppId, 67, 7374, 76

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), 6364

apps, designing for MVVM pattern, 138139

AppViewModel class, 148150

AppViewModelTest.cs file, 148

App.xaml.cs, 64, 67

arrays, creating Observable operators from, 45

async methods

handling via ReactiveAsyncCommand command, 130131

mocking, 145146

testing with .First( ) method, 146

asynchronous ...

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