Adapting JavaScript APIs for RxJS

Just like in the world of .NET, APIs that are available to us in the browser aren't RxJS-aware by default. However, JavaScript actually has an advantage compared to .NET—every API that does something non-trivial like write to a file or send a network request is asynchronous, via a callback method.

We've already seen how to wrap asynchronous methods like this via the FromCallbackPattern() example, and in RxJS it's even easier. In the following, let's take a look at how we could wrap a new API, the HTML5 Geolocation API:

getCurrentPositionRx = function(opts) {   opts = opts || {};   var ret = new Rx.AsyncSubject();   // Our callbacks will just OnNext the Subject, similar to how FromAsyncPattern   // works.   navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( ...

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