
The class Array holds a collection of object references. Each object reference occupies a position in the array, identified by an integer index. You can create arrays by using literals or by explicitly creating an Array object. A literal array is a comma-delimited list of objects between square brackets:

 a = [3.14159, ​"pie"​, 99]
 a.​class​ ​# => Array
 a.​length​ ​# => 3
 a[0] ​# => 3.14159
 a[1] ​# => "pie"
 a[2] ​# => 99
 a[3] ​# => nil

You can create an empty array with either [] or by directly calling

 b = Array.​new
 b.​class​ ​# => Array
 b.​length​ ​# => 0
 b[0] = ​"second"
 b[1] = ​"array"
 b ​# => ["second", "array"]

As the example shows, array indices start at zero. Index an array with a non-negative ...

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