#define 12
#include 7
% 15
% operator 46
%+d 99
%c 58
%d 7
%ld 15
%ld 38
&& 25
\0 136
\n 6
\t 9
|| 25
evaluating section 70
repeated execution 31
modulo 2 division 93
++i 34
<conio.h> 7
<math.h> 13
<string.h> 137
== operator 46
abnormal termination 117
absolute value 30
actual parameters 171
address 221
address of the structure 257
address operator 226
address passing 187
advantages 2
algorithm 1
aliases 181
arguments 171
array declaration 77
array name 76
array of structure variables arrays 76
arrays of structures 247
ascending order 132
attributes 246
auto variables 171
average 84
biggest element 80
bin directory 211
binary search 123
body of a function 214
break 50
bubble sort 95
by ...
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