

General Information

Driver version

DBD::ODBC version 0.20

Feature summary

Because DBD::ODBC acts as an interface to other database drivers, much of its behavior is governed by those drivers.

Transactions                           Dependent on connected data source
Locking                                Dependent on connected data source
Table joins                            Dependent on connected data source
LONG/LOB datatypes                     Dependent on connected data source
Statement handle attributes available  After prepare(  )
Placeholders                           Yes
Stored procedures                      Yes
Bind output values                     No
Table name letter case                 Dependent on connected data source
Field name letter case                 Dependent on connected data source
Quoting of otherwise invalid names     Dependent on connected data source
Case-insensitive "LIKE" operator       Dependent on connected data source
Server table ROW ID pseudocolumn       Dependent on connected data source
Positioned update/delete               Yes
Concurrent use of multiple handles     Dependent on connected data source

Author and contact details

The driver authors are Jeff Urlwin and Tim Bunce. The original work was based upon an early version of Thomas Wenrich’s DBD::Solid. The authors can be contacted via the dbi-users mailing list.

Supported database versions and options

The DBD::ODBC module supports ODBC Version 2.x and 3.x on Unix and Win32. For all platforms, both an ODBC driver manager and an ODBC driver are required in addition to the DBD::ODBC module.

For Win32, the driver manager is included with the operating system. For Unix and variants, the iODBC driver manager source ...

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