
3D printing, Internet button for, 121

3.3 V:

analog pin for, 126

header pin for, 10

output options, 47

Texas Instruments TXB-0108PWR for voltage translation, 111

5 V:

relay shield using, 114–115

Texas Instruments TXB-0108PWR for voltage translation, 111


A (current), measuring with multimeter, 147–148

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) box, as breadboard, 145

Accelerometer, using Internet button for, 120

Access token, unique identifier for device access, 91–92, 95

Accounts. See User accounts

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) box, as breadboard, 145


in e-mail alert application, 131–132

in Twitter alert application, 137–138

Adafruit Industries:

NeoPixel Ring Kit, 123–124

suppliers of Photon-compatible components, ...

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