Chapter 8. Asynchronous Programming, Concurrency, and Parallelism

So far in this book, we’ve dealt mostly with synchronous programs—programs that take some input, do some stuff, and run to completion in a single pass. But the really interesting programs—the building blocks of real-world applications that make network requests, interact with databases and filesystems, respond to user interaction, offload CPU-intensive work to separate threads—all make use of asynchronous APIs like callbacks, promises, and streams.

These asynchronous tasks are where JavaScript really shines and sets itself apart from other mainstream multithreaded languages like Java and C++. Popular JavaScript engines like V8 and SpiderMonkey do with one thread what traditionally required many threads, by being clever and multiplexing tasks over a single thread while other tasks are idling. This event loop is the standard threading model for JavaScript engines, and the one that we’ll assume you’re using. From an end user’s perspective, it usually doesn’t matter whether your engine uses an event looped model or a multithreaded one, but it does affect the explanations I’ll be giving for how things work and why we design things the way we do.

This event-looped concurrency model is how JavaScript avoids all the common footguns endemic to multithreaded programming, along with the overhead of synchronized data types, mutexes, semaphores, and all the other bits of multithreading jargon. And when you do run JavaScript ...

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