This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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Index | 451
SOAP servers and, 146–152
class, 176
UDDI, 225–231
WSDL, 4, 187, 424–430
XML::Simple module and, 22
defined, 263
message forwarding and, 265
message routing and, 262
REST and, 239
WS-Policy, 286
WS-Routing, 264, 265
(see also nodes)
international character sets, 299, 300
Internet Relay Chat, 167
COM and, 2
drawbacks, 6
fault code consistency and, 107
REST principles and, 241
XML-RPC and, 50, 51
interprocess communication (IPC), 155
introspection interface, 67, 77
invocation model, 226
invoke activity (BPEL), 298
IO::Socket class family, 165
io_socket_class method
(SOAP::Transport::TCP), 356
IO::Socket::INET class, 58
IO::Socket::SSL module, 120
IPC (interprocess communication), 155
IPSec (IP Security Protocol), 275
ISBN number, 140, 142
is_fault method (RPC::XML), 72, 313, 314
ISO 8601 standard, 34
isolation (transactions), 293
is_valid method (RPC::XML), 322
jabber://, 168, 169, 179, 403
Jabber protocol
acceptance of, 161
proxy method and, 125
server example, 403, 404
SOAP and, 112
transport classes, 167–169
Java language
arguments list and, 41
BPEL documents, 298
Object type equivalent, 103
overloaded methods, 42
journal system
posting entries, 132, 134, 122, 127, 128, 132
JPG, 241
Kerberos tickets, 284
keyed hash, 273
keyedReference element (UDDI), 219, 224
KeyInfo element (XML Signature), 276
keyName attribute (UDDI), 219, 220, 224
avoiding collisions, 178
private keys, 278
public keys, 281
search keys, 227
secret-key, 278
send_receive method hash table, 180
UDDI registries, 216
XKMS, 276
X-KRSS, 281
keyValue attribute (UDDI), 219, 220, 224
key/value pairs
add_entry method, 134
order of, 35
struct datatype, 35
structure type, 99
Kulchenko, Pavel, 52, 59, 119
Library for WWW Programming in Perl
(see LWP)
libxml2 library, 21
libxslt library, 21
link element (WS-Inspection), 287, 288
import element, 210
XML documents, 267
Lisp, 32
list_methods (RPC::XML::Server), 320
list_servers method
(Apache::RPC::Server), 325
load method (SOAP::Schema), 340
local types, 26
location attribute
http:urlReplacement element, 202
soap:address element, 200
WS-Inspection description element, 288
location handler, 53, 67, 80
loose coupling, 4

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