Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide

Video description

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are the next big thing in web development as they bring mobile-app-like experiences to your users without requiring them to install an app from the App store/ Play store.You still create a web application (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) but this course will teach you how to add features such as camera access, service workers for offline support, push notifications, and more. This combines the best of both worlds: You deliver fast, engaging and reliable experiences whilst still having the reach and accessibility of a web page. "Progressive Web App" is simply a term that summarizes all the features that allow you to deliver mobile-like experiences. The topic is highly trending and it also is a topic which is here to stay! Not only is it strongly promoted by Google (actually a lot of talks at Google I/O 2017, Google's developer conference, were devoted to PWAs), it's also quickly being adopted by big companies like Twitter or the Washington Post. Having the skills to build and optimize these kind of web apps is already an important and highly demanded skill for modern web developers, a trend which is only going to accelerate! Therefore, learning how to build PWAs will give you a competitive edge! To ensure that you can apply the knowledge to ANY of your projects, the course project doesn't assume any JavaScript framework but focuses on the core features mentioned above!

What You Will Learn

  • Build web apps that look and feel like native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • Use service workers to build web apps that work without an internet connection (offline-first)
  • Leverage device features like the camera and geolocation in your web apps
  • Use web push notifications to increase user engagement with your web apps


Students who want to build web apps that look and behave like native mobile apps. Students who want to build offline-ready web apps (yes, that works!). Anyone who wants to build web apps that offer access to the device camera, geolocation, push notifications and provide offline support. Students who want to leverage the latest browser features whilst still supporting older browsers.

About The Author

Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller:

Academind GmbH

Bundling the courses and the knowledge of successful instructors, Academind strives to deliver high-quality online education. The platform covers topics such as web development, data analysis, and more in a fun and engaging way.

Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Since the age of 13, he has never stopped learning new programming skills and languages. In his early days, he started creating websites simply for fun. This passion has remained and shaped his decision to work as a freelance web developer and consultant. Although he started web development on the backend (PHP with Laravel and NodeJS), he has progressed to becoming a front-end developer using modern frameworks such as React, Angular, and VueJS 2 in many projects.

The most rewarding experience for him is to see how people find new and better jobs, build exciting web applications, acquire amazing projects, or simply enjoy their hobby with the help of his content.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Getting Started
    1. About this Course
    2. What are Progressive Web Apps?
    3. PWAs vs Native Mobile Apps
    4. A Demo PWA What We'll Build in this Course
    5. Our First Progressive Web App
    6. PWA Core Building Blocks
    7. Comparing PWAs and SPAs
    8. What is "Progressive Enhancement"
    9. Course Outline
    10. Course Project Setup
    11. How to get the Most out of this Course
  2. Chapter 2 : Understanding the App Manifest
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Using an App Manifest to Make your App Installable
    3. Adding the Manifest
    4. Understanding App Manifest Properties
    5. Adding Properties to the App Manifest
    6. PWAs and Browser Support
    7. Using the Chrome Developer Tools
    8. Simulating the Web App on an Emulator
    9. Installing the Web App – Prerequisites
    10. Adding Properties for Safari
    11. Adding Properties for the Internet Explorer
    12. Wrap Up
  3. Chapter 3 : The Service Workers
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Why Service Workers Are Amazing!
    3. Understanding Service Worker Events
    4. The Service Worker Lifecycle
    5. Service Worker Browser Support
    6. Registering a Service Worker
    7. Reacting to Incoming Events (in SW)
    8. Updating Activating Service Workers
    9. Non-Lifecycle Events
    10. Getting that "App Install Banner"
    11. Testing the App on Real Device (and Installing the App!)
    12. Deferring the App Install Banner
    13. Wrap Up
  4. Chapter 4 : Promise and Fetch
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Async Code in JavaScript
    3. Promises – Basics
    4. Rejecting Promises
    5. Where we Use Promises in our Project
    6. Fetch – Basics
    7. Sending Post Requests via Fetch
    8. Fetch and CORS
    9. Comparing Fetch and Ajax
    10. Adding Polyfills (for Legacy Browser Support)
    11. Fetch Service Workers
    12. Wrap Up
  5. Chapter 5 : Service Workers – Caching
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Why Caching?
    3. Understanding the Cache API
    4. Browser Support
    5. Adjusting the Course Project
    6. Identifying (Pre-) Cacheable Items
    7. Static Caching/ Precaching
    8. Retrieving Items from the Cache
    9. Adding Retrieving Multiple Files (to/ from Cache)
    10. Cache Multiple Files with addAll
    11. Dynamic Caching - The Basics
    12. Implementing Dynamic Caching
    13. Handling Errors
    14. Adding Cache Versioning
    15. Different Cache Versions Cleanup
    16. Optimizing Cache Management
    17. Wrap Up
  6. Chapter 6 : Service Workers - Advanced Caching
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Module Preparation: Adding a Button
    3. Offering "Cache on Demand"
    4. Providing an Offline Fallback Page
    5. Strategy: Cache with Network Fallback
    6. Strategy: Cache Only
    7. Strategy: Network Only
    8. Strategy: Network with Cache Fallback
    9. Strategy: Cache then Network
    10. Cache then Network Dynamic Caching
    11. Cache then Network with Offline Support
    12. Cache Strategies "Routing"
    13. Applying Cache Only
    14. A Better Way of Parsing Static Cache URLs
    15. A Better Way of Serving Fallback Files
    16. Post Request and Cache API
    17. Cleaning/ Trimming the Cache
    18. Getting Rid of a Service Worker
    19. Preparing the Project for the Next Steps
    20. Wrap Up
  7. Chapter 7 : IndexedDB and Dynamic Data
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding the Basics
    3. Setting up Firebase
    4. Connecting Frontend to Backend
    5. Dynamic Caching vs. Caching Dynamic Content
    6. Introducing IndexedDB
    7. IndexedDB Browser Support
    8. Adding the IDB File
    9. Storing Fetched Posts in IndexedDB
    10. Using IndexedDB in the Service Worker
    11. Reading Data from IDB
    12. Clearing IDB Handling Server-Client Mismatch
    13. Implementing the Clear Database Method
    14. Deleting Single Items from the Database
    15. IndexedDB and Caching Strategies
    16. Wrap Up
  8. Chapter 8 : Creating a Responsive User Interface (UI)
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Responsive Design in this Course
    3. Understanding Responsive Design in our Project
    4. CSS and Media Queries
    5. Using Images in a Responsive Way
    6. Adding Animations
    7. The Viewport Scaling
    8. Wrap Up
  9. Chapter 9 : Background Sync
    1. Module Introduction
    2. How does Background Sync Work?
    3. Adding the Basic Setup to our Project
    4. Registering a Synchronization Task
    5. Storing our Post in IndexedDB
    6. Adding a Fallback
    7. Syncing Data in the Service Worker
    8. Understanding Periodic Sync
    9. Adding Server Side Code
    10. Fixing Errors
    11. Wrap Up
  10. Chapter 10 : Web Push Notifications
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Why we need Web Push Notifications
    3. How Push Notifications Work
    4. Displaying Notifications - Some Theory First
    5. Browser Support
    6. Requesting Permissions
    7. Displaying Notifications
    8. Notifications from Within the Service Worker
    9. Understanding Notifications' Options
    10. Advanced Options
    11. Adding Actions to Notifications
    12. Reacting to Notification Interaction – Clicks
    13. Reacting to Notification Interaction – Closing
    14. From Notifications to Push Messages
    15. Creating a Push Subscription
    16. Storing Subscriptions
    17. Connecting Server Client (PWA)
    18. Sending Push Messages from the Server
    19. Listening to Push Messages
    20. Displaying Push Notifications on a Real Device
    21. Opening a Page upon User Interaction
    22. Improving our Code
    23. Wrap Up
  11. Chapter 11 : Native Device Features
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Preparing the Project
    3. Getting DOM Access
    4. Creating our own Polyfills
    5. Getting the Video Image
    6. Hooking Up the Capture Button
    7. Storing the Image on a Server
    8. Accepting File Upload Example with Firebase
    9. Testing the Camera Upload
    10. Implementing a Fallback
    11. Getting the User Position
    12. Fixing Bugs
    13. Testing the App on a Real Device
    14. Wrap Up
  12. Chapter 12 : Service Worker Management with Workbox
    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding the Basics
    3. Installing Workbox Using It
    4. Configuring Workbox Precaching
    5. Customizing the Service Worker
    6. Implementing Routing with the Workbox Router
    7. Expanding Dynamic Caching
    8. Options and Setting up Strategies
    9. Custom Handlers (Example: For IndexedDB)
    10. Providing an Offline HTML Fallback
    11. Handling Background Synchronization and Push Notifications
    12. Understanding the Workbox Documentation
    13. Enhancing the Build Workflow
    14. Running our App on a Real Server
    15. Auditing our Webpage with Lighthouse
    16. Wrap Up
  13. Chapter 13 : SPAs and PWAs
    1. Module Introduction
    2. React with create-react-app
    3. A General Note about SPAs and PWAs
    4. Angular with the CLI
    5. Vue with Vue CLI
    6. Wrap Up
  14. Chapter 14 : Course Roundup
    1. Course Roundup

Product information

  • Title: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide
  • Author(s): Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • Release date: April 2018
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781789135770