Chapter 15

Reviewing the Project

In This Chapter

arrow The importance of project evaluation

arrow Two points at which to look back on a project

arrow Measuring the project benefits, including multiple measures

arrow Checklists to help with evaluation and reporting

After the main work of the project you should carry out a review and produce a report at two points. The first is when the project is completed, and that will involve producing a Project Closure Report. The closure report records an account of how the project went and records the final figures for things like spending. The report should also give details of any benefits already achieved. The second is a review which takes place some time after the end of the project with a Project Evaluation Report. The second review focuses on the achievement of benefits and the effectiveness of project products (deliverables) after an initial period of use.

Reviewing the project at the end is important. The most obvious reason is to report the return on investment. If you invest money in something like shares or a savings account you want to know the return ...

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