Project Management for Performance Improvement Teams

Book description

Project Management for Performance Improvement Teams (or, PM4PITs, for short) provides practical guidance based on innovative concepts for project teams -- especially Performance Improvement Teams (PITs)—and their Project Managers on how to successfully complete individual projects and programs using an ingenious and scalable framework based on an innovative foundation fusing together elements of Project Management, Innovation Management, and Continual Improvement. This book lays out how Project and Program Managers and their teams can "do those right projects the right way," one project at a time.

It details what continual improvement, change, and innovation are, why they are so important, and how they apply to performance improvement—both incremental and transformative. The authors examine the four types of work and workforce management in organizations, Strategic, Operations, Projects, and Crises, using four common comparative variables: Proactive/Preventive versus Reactive/Corrective, Temporary/Unique versus Ongoing/Repetitive, Innovative versus Maintaining the Status Quo, and Schedule Focus: Fiscal Year versus Short Term versus Long Term. These comparisons set the stage for the uniqueness of the third type: Projects (and Programs) that are fundamentally change-driven.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Series Page
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright Page
  6. Dedication
  7. Table of Contents
  8. Preface
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. About the Authors
  11. Introduction
  12. Chapter 1 The Traditional Frameworks for Project Management and Continual Improvement
    1. Introduction
    2. Traditional Project Management Framework
      1. What’s Wrong with the Traditional Framework for Project Management?
        1. Shortcoming #1: The Outdated “Triple Constraint” and the “Iron Triangle” Concepts
        2. Shortcoming #2: Two Missing Project Management Knowledge Areas and 12 Processes
        3. Shortcoming #3: The Ambiguous Interrelationships among and Interactions between the Five Project Management Process Groups
    3. Traditional Continual Improvement Framework
      1. What’s Wrong with the Traditional Framework for Continual Improvement?
        1. Shortcoming #1: Overloaded “Plan” Step
        2. Shortcoming #2: Overlooked “Check” Step
        3. Shortcoming #3: Inadequate “Act” Step
        4. Shortcoming #4: Prevention Is Missing—Inadequate Focus on New Product Design and Performance Reliability
    4. A Better Way
    5. References
  13. Chapter 2 A Contemporary Framework for Applying Project Management and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Teams
    1. Introduction
    2. Contemporary Project Management Framework
    3. Correcting The Shortcomings of The Tradtional Framework for Project Management
      1. The Basic Version
      2. The Expanded Version
    4. Contemporary Continual Improvement Framework
      1. Correcting the Shortcomings of the Traditional Framework for Continual Improvement
    5. Combined Contemporary Framework
      1. A Summary of Our Iterative APECC Framework
    6. References
  14. Chapter 3 Project Change Management (PCM)
    1. Introduction
    2. Project Change Management Processes
    3. Summary
    4. References
  15. Chapter 4 Project Technology Management (PTechM)
    1. Introduction
    2. Project Technology Management Processes
    3. Summary
    4. References
  16. Chapter 5 Stage #1: Align the Project
    1. Introduction
    2. Align the Project
      1. PM4PITs Scalable Approach Options—Full, Lean, or Hybrid
      2. Align Stage–Full Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Align Stage–Full Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Align Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Align Stage–Full Approach
      3. Align Stage–Lean Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Align Stage–Lean Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Align Stage–Lean Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Align Stage–Lean Approach
      4. Align Stage–Hybrid Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
    3. Summary
    4. References
  17. Chapter 6 Stage #2: Plan the Project
    1. Introduction
    2. Plan the Project
      1. Plan Stage–Full: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Plan Stage–Full Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Plan Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Plan Stage–Full Approach
      2. Plan Stage–Lean: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Plan Stage–Lean Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Plan Stage–Lean Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Plan Stage–Lean Approach
      3. Plan Stage–Hybrid Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
    3. Summary
  18. Chapter 7 Stage #3: Execute the Project Work
    1. Introduction
    2. Execute the Project Work
      1. Execute Stage–Full: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Execute Stage–Full Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Execute Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Execute Stage–Full Approach
      2. Execute Stage–Lean: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Execute Stage–Lean Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Execute Stage–Lean Approach
        3. Key Outputs for the Execute Stage–Lean Approach
      3. Execute Stage–Hybrid Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
    3. Summary
  19. Chapter 8 Stage #4: Check/Act on the Latest Performance Data
    1. Introduction
    2. Check the Latest Performance to Date
      1. Check/Act Stage–Full: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Check/Act Stage–Full Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Check/Act Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Outputs for Check/Act Stage–Full Approach
      2. Check/Act Stage-Lean: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Check/Act Stage–Lean Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Check/Act Stage–Lean Approach
        3. Key Outputs for Check/Act Stage–Lean Approach
      3. Check/Act Stage–Hybrid Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
    3. Summary
  20. Chapter 9 Stage #5: Confirm the Results (Iterate?)
    1. Introduction
    2. Confirm the Results
      1. Confirm Stage–Full: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Confirm Stage–Full Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Confirm Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Confirm Stage–Full Approach Outputs
      2. Confirm Stage–Lean: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
        1. Key Inputs for the Confirm Stage–Lean Approach
        2. Key Iterative Steps for the Confirm Stage–Full Approach
        3. Key Confirm Stage Outputs–Lean Approach
      3. Confirm Stage–Hybrid Approach: Processes, Key Inputs, Key Steps, and Key Outputs
    3. Summary
  21. Chapter 10 Sustaining the Gains and Realizing the Benefits
    1. Introduction
    2. Project Benefits Management Plan
    3. Sustain-The-Change Management Plan
    4. Implementation Plan
    5. Summary
    6. References
  22. Chapter 11 Connecting with the Organization’s PMO
    1. Introduction
    2. References
  23. Epilogue
  24. Glossary of Terms
  25. Index

Product information

  • Title: Project Management for Performance Improvement Teams
  • Author(s): William S. Ruggles, H. James Harrington
  • Release date: March 2018
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781351643962