

Authors’ Notes

Chapter 1: Introduction to Project Management Leadership

How to Use This Book

1. History of Project Management

2. Project Manager’s Portfolio of Skills

3. Project Management Body of Knowledge

4. Project Lifecycle

5. Project Management Leadership

Chapter 2: Project Governance and Ethics

1. Project Lifecycle

2. Project Governance

3. Project Ethics

Chapter 3: Project Leadership BoK

1. What is Project Leadership?

2. Project Vision and Inspiration

3. Leadership Vision vs. Project Lifecycle

4. Project Strategy

5. Empowerment and Self-Control

6. Control Freaks

7. Collaboration

8. Success

Chapter 4: Project Organization Structures

1. What is a Project Organization Structure?

2. Functional Organization Structure

3. Matrix Organization Structure

4. Pure Project Organization Structure

Chapter 5: Leadership Behaviors

1. What are Leadership Behaviors?

2. Competent Project Leadership

3. The Logic of Failure

4. Covey’s Seven Habits

5. Effective and Unsuccessful Leadership Behaviors

Chapter 6: Leadership Theories and Styles

1. Leadership Theories

2. Action Centered Leadership

3. Situational Leadership

4. Authority

5. Emotional Intelligence (EI) Leadership Styles

6. Linking Leadership Styles to Projects

Chapter 7: Power to Influence

1. What is Power to Influence?

2. Matrix Organization Structure

3. Responsibility–Authority Gap

4. Power to Influence

5. Power and Influence vs. Project Lifecycle

6. Formal Authority

7. Coercive Power

8. Reward Power

9. Expert Power ...

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