Writing Properties

As with stateful properties, we can make use of the rebar3 plugin’s templates to get a property suite within any standard Erlang project. Call the following within an existing project:

 $ ​​rebar3​​ ​​new​​ ​​proper_fsm​​ ​​name=fsm
 ===> Writing test/prop_fsm.erl

The generated file contains the prop_fsm module, a test suite that is divided in two sections: one section for the state machine property we’ll want to execute, and one for the model, which is a mix of callbacks and generators. Let’s start by looking at the property:

 -export([initial_state/0, initial_state_data/0,
  on/1, off/1, service/3, ​% State generators
  weight/3, precondition/4, ...

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