Thinking in Properties

Question 1

Your answer could be any three of these strategies:

  • Modeling—comparing the implementation with a simpler but obviously correct one
  • Generalizing traditional tests by automating steps we would do by hand
  • Finding program invariants to validate
  • Using symmetric properties


Question 2

Two example solutions:

 Erlang code/ThinkingInProperties/erlang/pbt/test/prop_solutions.erl
 %% @doc this function tests that any lists of `{Key,Val}' pairs
 %% end up being able to be sorted by the key by using `lists:keysort/2'.
 prop_keysort1​() ->
  ?FORALL(List, ​list​({​term​(),​term​()}),
 %% is_key_ordered checks that all tuples' keys are ordered.
 is_key_ordered​(​lists​:​keysort​(1, List))

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