About the authors
Peter Koulizos
Peter ‘The Property Professor’ Koulizos is coordinator of the property and share investment courses for TAFE SA. He also teaches in the Victoria University property investment workshop in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. In addition to his teaching in property investment, he teaches property, valuation and property economics at the University of South Australia. Peter holds a teaching degree, a graduate diploma in property and a master of business (property). Peter also personally invests in property and currently holds several investment properties. Peter’s previous book is entitled The Property Professor’s Top Australian Suburbs.
Zac Zacharia
Zac Zacharia is founder and managing director of a financial services business, the Centra Wealth Group, through which he provides financial planning, investment advice and education services to his clients. Before founding Centra Wealth, Zac had worked as a senior private client adviser at one of Australia’s most respected financial services businesses. He lectures to students of the share investment course at TAFE SA as well as providing training services to students and members of Kaplan. He is a sought-after speaker and regularly contributes articles and investment opinions to numerous publications. ...