Investment structures
Many people purchase investment assets in their own name, or joint names, though other ownership structures may be more suitable. The legal ownership of your investments can have a significant impact on your investment results, because there are significant taxation and legal consequences depending on who the beneficial owner of the investment is, and how they are treated from a legal and taxation perspective. It is worth ensuring you get it right from the start! We strongly suggest you consult a financial adviser or accountant who understands your existing financial situation and what you want to achieve from your investments. There is no right or wrong structure for everyone, only a right or wrong for your own financial situation, goals and future needs.
What to consider
Your choice of investment structure will largely depend on which is the most advantageous outcome for you, and therefore these are some of the issues that will influence your decision:
• What are your asset protection requirements?
• What level of control do you require?
• What financing will you use to purchase the investment?
• How much time and expense are you prepared to spend on administration?
• Is succession or estate planning important to you in relation to that investment?
• What is the ultimate tax rate payable on the investment?
• How important is it for you to be able ...