Top questions to ask
You will need to deal with many professionals when you are buying, managing and selling your property or shares. It is crucial that you ask the right questions of these professionals so that you understand their roles, how they can help you and what their help or advice will cost. In some circumstances, they won’t give you all the information you need upfront, because they fear it might jeopardise their opportunity to make money, but most of the time they just don’t know what you don’t know, as they aren’t mind readers! You should also have a good rapport with your advisers: find someone who speaks your language and doesn’t use a lot of jargon, and whom you believe will act in your best interests. There’s no point in dealing with someone who isn’t transparent or that you don’t like or feel comfortable with.
Following is an outline of the questions you should be asking.
Buying property
The following are some of the key questions you should be asking in relation to the purchase of property.
Accountant — What experience do you have with setting up structures within which to buy property?
It is critical that you work out in whose or what name the property should be held before you finalise the purchase contract. The easiest option is to buy in your personal ...