[ Appendix A ]
Resources and Links
Sources for Tutorials and Learning
- Adafruit (https://learn.adafruit.com)
- AngularJS (angularjs.org)
- Arduino official tutorials (http://bit.ly/2gNp7Ek)
- Basic electronics Instructable (http://bit.ly/2gQYdvm)
- Bento Front End tracks (https://bento.io/tracks) offers free full stack web development training curated from all the best resources online through videos and links to tutorials.
- Bootstrap (getbootstrap.com)
- Codeacademy (https://www.codecademy.com) has many coding courses with side-by-side instruction, code, and display so you can learn and see what you’re coding immediately.
- Codepen (http://codepen.io) is a free sandbox environment with side-by-side HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and display panes, and a community with tons of open source code and animations that you can riff off of.
- Electronics learning series from SparkFun (http://bit.ly/2gPGuo4)
- Fritzing (http://fritzing.org/home/)
- Instructables (http://www.instructables.com)
- Lynda (https://www.lynda.com) is a paid subscription to extensive library of training videos for not only coding, but also design and business.
- Makezine: (http://makezine.com)
- Soldering tutorial (http://bit.ly/2gPEbkK)
- Sparkfun (http://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials)
- Treehouse (https://teamtreehouse.com) is a paid subscription to over 1,000 videos, quizzes, and code challenges.
- Usability.gov (http://www.usability.gov)
- Usability.gov’s consent form (http://bit.ly/2gQP0mR)
- Usability.gov’s research template (http://bit.ly/2gPHWGK ...
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